Commuting with public transportation

Get about with train, bus and metro

The commuter

Commuters travel on a daily basis or several times a week. Such as journeys to work, education or leisure activities, which means that you travel many times a month on the same route.


How to travel like a commuter

As a commuter, you often travel on the same bus, train and metro in the same zones, and here the commuter card can be the cheapest solution for you.

You can buy your commuter card, in the DSB app. Just make a ticket search, to see the price for your personal journey. You can buy your commuter card in the DSB app for a period of 30-60 days. You can therefore easily optimize the number of days of validity, so that the card is valid until your holiday in the coming month, for example.

Commuter benefits


At a commuter you get access to different benefits. For instance:


Commuter seat reservation is a seat reservation ticket for just 10 dkk. which ensures you a seat when you are traveling on your commuter route. The commuter seat reservation can be bought in the DSB app.


DSB Commuters Travel time guarantee ensures that you are compensated in the event of delays on you commuter route.